Wednesday, June 22, 2011

There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall

                                     From left: Postier, McEvoy, Pena, Levy, Carter, Jacocks

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye... Sadly we must say good-bye to our 2011 Chief Residents: Steven Carter MD, Aimee Levy Devine MD, Jennifer McEvoy MD and Lindsay Pena MD.

Steven is off to Baylor in Dallas for a minimally invasive fellowship, Aimee is staying in Oklahoma City. Lindsay is staying in Oklahoma but off to Elk City to become a rural surgeon, and Jennifer is returning home to California, Merced.

Friday, June 3, 2011

OU Alumni Association Honors Marvin D. Peyton, MD

Honored by the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine Association,  Marvin D. Petyon, MD ('76/'78), received the association's award of Physician of the Year, Academic Medicine.  A native Oklahoman, Dr. Peyton received his medical degree from OU, and completed both his general and thoracic surgery residencies at OU.  He is currently the section chief of cardiothoracic surgery and holds the Paul H. and Doris Eaton Travis Chair in Thoracic Surgery.  Congratulations, Dr. Petyon.